10 Different Options for Balcony Floors

Wooden Floor Covering

The balconies, which are the necklaces of your home and allow you to breathe when you shrink, are one of the areas used as a living space of your home in summer and winter. Although topics such as seating, green areas, and wide decoration are the first issues that come to mind in balcony and terrace decorations, flooring is also one of the main topics of balcony decorations. Ceramic, tile, parquet, wood, concrete, wood-like ceramics, which are the floor materials used in the balcony floors, provide a more elegant and healthier floor for the balcony. Floor tile, which is among the types of balcony flooring and is the most preferred flooring material, is a material that is easy to apply as well as being economical. Ceramics, which are among the balcony flooring materials and known for their waterproof properties, are also an ideal option for those who want to make aesthetic balcony decorations. One of the waterproof balcony flooring materials is plastic-based pvc tiles. Waterproof PVC tiles, which are glued to each other with glue, are a bit more expensive than other options in economic terms. If you want naturalness to be a front panda in the balcony and want to use an economical flooring material, the ideal option will be wooden floor tiles or balcony parquet. Although the prices of wooden floor tiles do not give you an economic advantage, balcony parquet prices will give you an advantage because they have very economical prices. If you are going to decorate a balcony with naturalness, you can also choose wooden-looking outdoor flooring materials. For this, you can choose tiles with wood and tree patterns, ceramics and concrete flooring panels. With wooden-like outdoor coating materials, you can make both waterproof flooring and you can emphasize naturalness in your decorations by having a floor that does not spoil its natural appearance.

Balcony Tile Models

Balcony parquets vary according to their models and materials. Every different process, from the quarry where the tile is extracted to the factory where it is processed, causes the prices to differ. If you are going to prefer ceramic for the balcony, it will be your advantage to choose non-slip ceramic models among the floor ceramic types. The prices of non-slip ceramics, which do not slip when you wash the balcony or when rain water touches, allow you to walk comfortably, differ from normal ceramic prices. Since all of these materials are outdoor flooring materials, you can easily use them in the garden.

Cheap Floor Tile Models

You can use all materials such as ceramic, tile, parquet, wood, tree for garden flooring and add color to garden decoration. When a performance comparison is made, tiles and tiles are the longest-lasting flooring materials, while wood and pvc-based flexes are in the 3rd and 4th place. However, if you are looking for cheap floor tiles, epoxy is in the first place when the price performance comparison is made, concrete floors are in the second place, tiles are in third place, tiles are in fourth place and wooden parquets are in fifth place.

Balcony Flooring Prices

Before choosing garden flooring or balcony flooring material, you should look at the flooring samples to give you an idea and make the most economical and advantageous choice by having information about different flooring.

30 * 30 Tile Models

If you want to make a colorful decoration inside the balcony, you can choose one of the 30 * 30 cm colored tile models. With this choice, you can make a colorful floor decoration on the floor and contribute to the balcony having a colorful world.

Epoxy Floor

Epoxy floors obtained by pouring a thin layer of chemical epoxy on the concrete floor are economical flooring materials that have a stone floor appearance but can maintain their visuality for many years.

Wooden Floors

For balconies and terraces, you can choose wood or wood with tile dimensions instead of stone-like materials such as tiles and tiles. By applying different patterns, you can have a wooden floor that looks like a tile like in the picture. You can examine the inspiring balcony and terrace floors applied using this model wood and get ideas for different floors.

Stone Cladding

Stone coating materials, which are one of the floor materials, are materials that can be covered on the ground like the exterior. Especially for balconies and terraces, a floor decoration that is compatible with the exterior will look very elegant.

Stone Pattern Tiles

You can make a visual application on the balcony and terrace floor by using stone patterned wide tiles such as stone pavement. You can also fix the surface by placing the stones on the floor instead of tiles and pouring an epoxy-concrete mixture between them. The first choice will be a more economical choice.

Concrete Choice for The Floor

Another preferred material for balconies is concrete. You can add the color piğments you want into pure concrete and you can get a visual balcony floor as in the picture with a flat floor application.

30 * 30 Wodden Floors

You can get a natural and attractive floor in the balcony with 30 * 30 tree tablets that you can use especially for small balconies. In order to examine similar applications and see how trees are used on the balcony floor, you should definitely examine our article titled "Balcony and terrace roof models that will open you up".

PVC Flex Coating

You can create a visual and waterproof floor on the balcony floor with pvc-based flexes, which are one of the waterproof balcony floor materials. You can easily find a suitable model for your balcony decoration, as flexes are produced in all colors. These materials, known as carpet flex, have a service life of 7 - 10 years, and they have expensive prices compared to tiles and tile materials.

Wood Effect Tiles

If you want my balcony to look natural and waterproof, you should choose wood or parquet-looking tile models. The prices of the wood-looking tiles, which are waterproof and can be used for many years, are between 69 TL and 110 TL per square meter, including the application.

30 * 60 Tile Models

Tile material commonly used in balcony floors; It has 30 * 30, 30 * 60, 30 * 90 cm lengths. With these features, tiles that allow you to make different floor decorations are the most economical floor materials with their lifetime and price.